The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, JULY 6, 1969 33 Quotations on Over Over-the-Counter-Markets 4 Stock Div. Bid Asked Bid Chg. Stock Div. Bid Asked Cho Stock Div, Bid Asked Chg Bid Lowenst Fruchaut Molybdenum cv Deb 130. 135.

-D Rival Textron SheratonCoro deb xw 5504 Dalto Air Electron Ten A DANK TRUST COMPANIES INDUSTRIAL AMP I UTILITY Data Data Rocket Rocking Am AmbT Fletch Pa 1.60 Technolo Documm Roselon Indus Did Rouse Si AmSecDC Stack Div. Asked Che Food Anbotco Inc Rowan Arizon Bk Furnt Bankam 677- Roval Castle Bank Calif n.16 Royal Defianind Bk ofDela Industrie Russel Bank Ltd Ryan Homes Chek Bk of Sacra .60 RE Baystate 1.50 Designatrn Sadler In Beverly HIs Che Inst Boatmens 1.70 SatranPrnt Camden Trs Develop Inti8r Lone Sago Administ Cent Bankap Dewey Electr Coro SonJosew CenBnkSys Diam .60 a SanAnitaCn .10 ConJerBk 40 Air Dickey Diapulse Cly Corp .72 Sav on Dr .10 CentNB Clev Crys SoundLeos CenNatBCh Air. Dickson El Scantlin Elect CnNCRch 1.20 Diebld Compt Scholz Homes Co 13 ContPennN8 Diebid Th Schott Ind Inc CenStBklyn Digital Applic Science Cor Go 1.20g 563 Digitron Corp Levin Scientifi Comp City Bridot 27 217 Disc Incorport 91 Scientific Cont Tr Diversa of Scientitic Indu Cleve Tru 3.40 113. 115 Dixon Crui EN ComTNJ 2.20g Docutel Coro Tat Scott Sons Incorp Com Dolty Mad ConnBkTr 2.60 Donaldson Scottys ScrippsHo Home 1.40 ConnNtBrp Doughboy Inc Cont8kPa 1.60 33 Jones 1.60 122. 126 Candy Scripto Incorp CrockerCt 1.60 Downtown .14 Sea World Inc Denver USB DoyleDane A DC DetBkTr 2.60g 61 NBk Wash PrewNatt Damn Bks 1.00 Drummer Bov EquitbiTr Dunkin Ducammun Donuts semtech Fairfid 1.60 ,200 IM Seneca Foods Fidty Un Fifth Third Duriron Co 1stBancorp 1st Bank Sys Ind 11 1stCamden 1 Resures 1st MerAsb Eberline Instr Shop 51 1st NatBAtia ShopRite Eds 1stBirmo 1.60 Econ Eckerd Labs Dr Shop pt 33 1stN Bos 2.90 Sicks Rain 1stNatBkCh Resourc Sitco Ind 1stNsCor AmPur Syst Signet Corp 1st NBCin Hyd Silver King Strs 1stNatDall Craft Assis Simco SimonSch 1stFtWrth Nucin Dr 1stJerNat Am Maize SmallBus 13.

AmMusic Electromag eccontrol Marineind SMCInves 1stNtOreg Amer Data Maritim Fruit Smiths Tina 1stOkiBnc .16 Electro Nite Marquette Cp Snap On TI 1stNtPassaic 60 Am Electron Mem MarshSupr .45 Sonoco Pd 1stNB SAL 2.20 EltrnMod .056 Martha mann Sorg Paper .80 1stSnJos 1.10g Am Am St Cap Kay inc 2.28 35 Am 1.80 Martha Wh .30 Socast Cap .52 1stSec Crp Shipbi 1.20 Southdwn 1stNSN 1.00 40. Martin Br Sothrn Airwys 1st Trentn 1.60 Poso EI Maver Oscar Southern 1stUNBc 1.16 Analog Device Empire Gas SASS McCormak In SothnCalW 2.24 .94 1stVa 1stVaBk Bksh of 10. Incro So ConnG 1 Anchor Energy Convr MedicHom DV So NE Tel 2.60 1stWestchest Energy Resc Medical 1nvst Southn Indus FtWrt B1.32 34. 36 EnnBran Cotr Medalist SothnUnG 31 Frankl NY 1.40 Applied Applebm: EquityNot Ind Sowest Factrs HarrisTrst 2.20 63 Epsco Corporatn Incorp. Medtronic Medicenters A SoGaNGas 2 Girard FkinNtpf 2.80 2.45 on Inc Tr 2 Equity EquitSay Oil 16 Melpor Mercantile incorp SowestGP SowestGas 17 HortNBk 1.056 Arcola Nt .070 In SwstDrug 23 25 IndianaNtBk 53 Arcsindusts Ernst .40 Merchind 1.20 Elec IndiValPh Aron Arden May Mavot ESDCom 10 12 Elect SowstRes Lib Oklah (2) Metaltabin .40 16 Sowst LibNatSF Aries Corprin Essex Esterline System Corp Metex Corp Sovereign Ind Lin Natl Bank Aristo Eans Inc .72 NeverFr Spacerays Inc ist Bk 1.72 Ariz Biochemi Everest Jenng Microtenna Co 10 Specialty Rest 13 Trust Ariz Col Ln Exectv House Midas Intl 29 SpertiDrug Cp ArkMoPow Midind Cap Metal 19 20 MfrNBDe 49 50 Ark Val Indus MidlandCo 24 25 Springn 1.24 19m Mar Banc Ar Wn Gas Ceco Ind Midtex Incorp Staco Incorp Mary NatOp 43 Armstron Fabri Centers 29 MidwRubb Sid Stand Register Pac MellonNB 2.20 ArrowHrt 2.80 Fabri Tek Midwst Comp Std Merc Dallas 2 Arvida Corp FairfTecCo MidwsGasTr Screw 1.20 MercTSti 1.80 Assoc Cola Farmr Br Miller Brother Stan Hom .90 MonmhCty Asso Truck Farmhand Millipore 1 StaRitelnd .60 NtBkDetr 2.20 61 Atlanta GL Mtg Milton Roy Co Stratoflex! .48 Not Bk NA AtlasPress 13.

Fashio Tress Minnpis StrawClo 1.20g NtB Westch Aurora Comp Fed Comp 1.20 Minute Subscript Telv NatiCleve 2.40 4: Aut FireAl 3.84 Mo Sugardale 2 116..... Natl Albany Automation Fine Oron .15 SuperiorEl. Natl Ruthf 1st Boston in Not Nwk Es AVM Corp 1stConn SE Miss Szabo Food NJ Bk NA 1.20 Avemco Miss ValSt 1.10 Indus. EngMer 1.40 Aztec OlIGs 1stLincolnF Mo Utt 1.20 NJNBkTr 1st Miss Corp Miss Pat NC NB Cp .72 25 1.04 Mitron Tally Corpatn 3 NorthTr Chic 113 10 First Firs? Repb Surety Co Mobile Gs Tanger Tampax Inc Indus 3 185 PeopBer 2.90 1.60 2 Baird Atomic 162 FirstUnRIt Monk Rub 1.20 Tappan Co .40 21 Co PittNatCo 2.40 65 Boker Inc First West Fin MomthPk Tassette Incrp ProvNB Phil 4 84 Balt Paint .20 Fisher Foods Monterey Nur Taylor Intern RepNtDallas Bandag Inco Flight Safety MorianPacif 38 Taylor 1.10 72 8 Wh 2.84 69 Bangorty 1.16 lickinger 1.08 19 MooreProd Anim RockindNY 4k 29 Pun wt FlaPbUtil MooreSam Technology In 17 RoyalBkCa .76 Bank Bido 18 Flo Tel Co .40 I Morrisonin Tec*mseh 2.40 118 123 1 RYINBNY 26 28 Food Fair Pro .80 MorrisonKn 21. 2 Tele Tape Prd SanMonica .52 Grn 16 Foster Grnt 4i Match Mortgage As 10.

Teion TelecomCo Ranch .28 42 14 46 SeattleFN SecurityN Li 1.40 Fotochrom Motr Club Mch Teleph Utt 13k 16 SeoPacNt 1.28 1. Barnes Hind 26. Sarrngton Ind FrankinC FoxStanley Moulded Prod TennNatGs 12 Shawmut 2.80 Barwick Indus Franklin El 61 MPB Crp Texas Am Oil SocietyCp 1.70 72 Basin Petroim FrankiRit MTSSystm Tex Am Sulph 11 SoCal 1stN .70 Bayless Frndly FrontzMfg Ice Texscan Corp SoestBanc 1.20 Murph Pac Texint Airline SoCor 1.200 37 Inc Frischs Res ThathimBr 15 StB Albny 1.40 Beaver Fritzi Cal Norr Cap ThermAir 10 11 2.40 Beecham 113 FrysFdSt Nathans Fam Thermal Tex8k Dallas 21:4 Intni Fuller Natl Brands Thermo Tech TexN Com 36 Fullview Indst Nat Computer Titan TidewaiMS .500 Trade NY 1.20 33 13. Letter Connector Co TrstCoNJ 4. Nati Equities Tiffany Indust USSanDe0g Nat Food 1.52 TIME .60 24 USBancor 1.40 Garfinckel Not Gas Oil Titan Group UnPiMem 1.60 39 GarrettFr 314.

NatHealth Ent TokheimCp .60 UnionTrst Md 40 Berkshir Gas Service Natl Hospital Topsys Torginol Intl Indst ,10 15m 16 Un Co CIv 2.40 GavGibson GatewayTr 10 NatLiberty patent DV Co 283 Towle Mfg .56 US UnVaShrs Tr NY 1.80 1.80 61 60 Bibb Gelman Instr NtSecurity 1 Tracor Incorp 34 Valley I 38 40 Big Drum Genge Indust Natl Semicond rans Cst Inv ValNtPhnx .56 BillupsW Genl Aircraft NotShowSv Trons Gas Vo Cmwith 33 Bio Dynam Gen Autom .60 Not Term 1.20 16 19 Transconti OIl VaNatiBank 27 Genrl Binding 34 .90 TronMotor WachoviaCp Coro Gen Corp Ohio Nationwde Ind Transdune .88 Gen GenDevices Crude In Natal Petrolm Travelodge 25 Block Gen Electrody Neb ConM .40 Tremco Mfg INSURANCE STOCKS Bopue Electre General Nekoosa 1 Trend Industr bolt Beronek Genri Kinetics I Neonexinti 05 Triangle Corp AllAmLFI .20 Soothe Compt Gen Medical NE Gs 1.16 Trico Prod la 33 AllCity Ins .10 91. Bostn GenMorta Not Gas Trdoir. Indust Life Ins BosHerld GenRealEs 10 NicholsnF 1.60 Trinity Ind .80 23. AmBkrAs .15 14 BrandonAd GenShale Nielsen Triton oil Gas AmFamily Lfe 274 29 n' Brenco Inc. Nielsen 33 Tropicana Prd 30 1.02 15.

Noland Co .80 99 90 TwinDiscin 18 AmFnders 20k 17 AmFidiLf BristolBrass Gen Un Group Nortek Incor 26 Tysons AmFndtn Brown BrockwayGi Fintub (7) Geotel Incorp NoAm Resour AmHerito 11 8rwngArm GFI Geothermal Computer I No NoCarNat Cent Gas Airi Unimed Incrp 11 12 5. AmincmL 10k Brush Buco*kee Beryl .60 Ginos Incorp No Eur Oil 21 51 Unitec Industr AmNotHins .38 10 Glotfelter 1.40 No PennGs .60 34 1 UtdConv UnArtTh Hosp 106 Amer Pioneer Buehler Buckeye Co 5k GleasonW Nowst Eng la 37 Am Presidents .60 Burnup Sims Globe Rubber Nowst NG Unit Dollar .50 24 25 Am Pub Lite Business Fund GodfreyCom 25 Nowst PS UtdFabr Elect AmReinsura 56 Butter Mfg .70 45 48 Golden Golden FI Wst NwstStCem 23 United Inti 1.92 Am StsLife 2k. UnMcGtH Am Gorins Inc .50 Nuclear Resc 34 Asso Madison 53 Gould Enterpr United Ref Co 19 21 .226 1134 23 Gov EmC 31. 15 Unitek Corpor GU oc Ind 2 BMA Corp .40 ColandroP .16. GovEmFel .20 Bnkrs Sec 14 Calbiochem 13 Graham Mfg Odell Incorp 24 BenefNat Lite CalifHith Care GraphCont 19 Oglivy Mat .60 264 US Crown Benef Stn 19 Cal 1.12 Graphic Val Scien Gr 66 70 OhioArt Bonneville Syl 3 Cal Water Expir Grass Great Swt OhiaferA Cal WestSt 18 Comco Calvert Incoro GreenMP OhioWatS 1.60 US Financ Financial 52 Capital Holdg (z) (2) 1.80 GrnfidRE 1.30 18 Oil Shate ChasNat Lite 13 Grey Adver Olga Olsten Corpor US Truck ChubbCrp Chesapeak 1.80 Lf 50 Compusca CanolAsst Grigos GrinnetCorp Equipt 119 Univ Food CitizensL NY 3.60 Grove Press 281 Optici Coating Univers Comp 6i College 122 13 Conrad Pr Growth Intri Optical Scan CarMiti Inc GRT Corporat Optics Univ Telephon Colonial Lt .24 51 COD Grumman 13 Ore Univis Inc Combndins .40 Guard Ch URS UpPenPw Systems Conn Gen .76 60 I Guidance Tec Utah Shale Consumers Air Gulfintrest Ormco Corprt ContAm Life Coital 1034 Ormont Util Indus Cont Mortgag Carhort OtterTPw 1.28 Criterionin .20 Car OverseaN1 CrumForst 1.80 Hamco Mach 16 Oxy Catalyst Vahlsing Inc .16 CrumFrpt 2.40 59 Carson HamiltonC .60 Ozite Corp 3 Valley Gas Eastern Lit In Cortebich Hondmchr Value Valmont Line Indu Dv Empire Genri 10 Corter Hanovr Shoe Emp Life Am HardeesFa .30 VanceSan 1.20 27 Empl Grp 2.40 Cen Vt Hasbro Indust Ventron Cp 35.

Family Life 24 Centex. NotGas CertTeiCo Harper Harrel HarperHM Interni Row 40 Pac Pacific PocForE GomR Veeco Velcro VanDuAirc Inst Ind .12 Excel EmpReinsur In NY ARE ChompPr HortCorter .80 VermAmer FarmHoln Chonce. Hoven Indust 13 Victory Mk FarmNWid Channel Hawalian Airl Va Chercl Fidel dep Charter .60 Vitramon In FideltyCp Charter Viv Woodard FideltyUn 60 Vogue Instrm FirstAmFn 13 VOINIGS FirstColony Hess Hesston Inc Dist Wabash Cons First Nat Life Hickok Hexcel Foundation Inc WaddellR Wadswort 2.60 2 FrankinLif 1.40 265 270 GenReins Geo Wash Co 47 Wallace Samp .70 GL Georgia Enterprise IntCo hom*o PEC Wolter Reade Hospital Warner El 13 Gov EmpLt 13 Horizon .070 Gov Emplove 52 HooverC GlobeLife Houston 1.30 Warshowin GreatCmw Penn RelE Warwick Elec Wash NotG .94 GtWestLif 98 Huck Perin 2122x GulfLifeH 1.26. 37 WashScient In Hanoverinsu Hugot Water Treatm Inc Wayne .32 23 Hrtfd Stm 52 Perf Inc Webb Resourc Homesec Corp Corp Horace Mann Hyster Co Phi Weight Watch Indo Am Life Ind LifeAc .56 Photon Weisfieldin 1 Integon Cp Ilikon Corp Pictorial Weldotron Cp Intercoast 6 IndionapWat WellngM Intl Life Hold indGas In Pied NIGS 1.10 WelFargo 1.60 IntrstLife 117 Colin Indust air 201 Pinkertons Wells Gardn Intst Natl 2134 Ind Nucieonic Pizza Hut Inc WellsRich Gm 12m 13 Jeff Nat 11 Trans Co 51 Plasticrete 5k wernerCon .50 11 Kempecor .60 22 Eovio in Polly Bergen 10 WernerC pt .80 12 KennesowL A Infotec Incorp Porterinc 1.6 Wstcoast Prod KY Cen Lif 734 Om Info Infrared Displays Indst Possis Machin WestrnCo .180 14. 1.20 Precision Inst WestnGear .30 221- Liberty Natl Lf integrated Cont Port Industr 21.

West WstKy Gs Mtg 1.20 .246 10 Life Assur Pa 103 Inlandcon Intercom Intrmark Inv 10 Profess Golf Wstn Oil Shale 9 Lifeins Ga 18 19 Syst 121 Prewavin .200 Sci WestrnPub Std .72 432 LifelnsKv 04e 1073 15 Int8k IntmtGas Wash .10 834... Wstn Uran Lifelnvest Intl IntBasic Book Econ Co Wesons Corp 13 Lincol Inc 103 westoote Colif 92 LincinA Life Compute 24 WetteraFd .60 35 391 LinolnCon .15 132 Int Energy Co NC 131 White Shield LinolnNt x65 Leisure Hs Publish Co inc Wien Cons Air LaSothn Life IntMilling 1.20 Purepoc Labs WigwamS 10 Loyal A Life En Nuclear Control Purity Puriton Stores Wiley Rossin Sons 40 Loyal LaSouthn Am Life Life 10 PutnamD WilsonFr ManhLGU .256 intext Com Putnam Wings Wheel Mass Genera la tonics So Incorp in 343 Mercantle Sec WinslowTel Mercry Gn Irwin Rich Winter Jock MidwNat Ohio Co Va Radi Dynamic WintPk TI Midw Utd is Corp Radiation Syst 678 MidWestNot 20 WoodJRSn 166 Ea 12. Incor ModernSec Jacavin Worldw Energ Monarch .64 190 8. WTC Air Froh 11 Monum 27 Raven indust Woodwd Gov 3 115 125 MutualSv Ravchem Cro Wrother Corp NotFidelLI .20 111 Wyandot Chm 20 21 31 Equip Natl Life Fid 12 OwiStrs 212 .70 634 Reec Corp Un Yellow Yordney Frt Elec 2514 260 Not NatReserv 734 Research Inco 12. 1234..

Norwide Coro 83 Western 1 Respon Envir Zions Utah .55 13 NLT NH-mosh Corp 1 120 72 3271 33 Retail Reuter In Credit Corp 1 40 34 Revell Incorn CORPORATION BONDS RevereRo .300 NoAmLte 1134 .40 NoAtionte Am a Rids Rich Rey First Assd MC Mtg deb Inv 53s2001 4500. 240 110 240 114 North Neast OccideN NowestNt50 Centl Mort An 10 Riley Stoker 85 Ohio Casualty OldLineins OldRepub PacSidLite Peninsular annLite Inau hilott A ref Risk ProtectLite Public Saving RichmondOo PoulCom afeco 1.10 Seaboard Crp Security Conn SecurityHart Sect SecTitte Gt Sierra Life high be in Stand Sec Life 21m SunLiteins State Coot 15 Supreme Lite SuretyLife Ins Time Insu Corpr 1.4 TranWorld SF Undwrit Na UtdAm Life In Union Banker UtdAm Lite UtdFamil 05d UtdFirein Un Found Life Unt Liberty Id LitAcC .24 US FidelGur VariableAn Voikswag Insu Vestrn Cs 1.40 Resource Wilshire Windsor LifeA World Svc 106 ZenithLife Ins PUBLIC AUTH BONDS Cal Camden Toll AshdwninDev Brdg InDv 77 Ches ChaoCalSky Intl CityClintn la ColumbiaSto Delaw Tok 452016 Florida tok 934 GrantCPU 70 102 103 Gt New Orl 4.90-2006 Illinoi Toll Illinois Toll Indiana Toll 4592 Jacksonvi Ex 4.10-03 Kansas Take $94 Kentucky Tok KvTrnpike 4.05$2000 Lewisport 5st0 Mackinac Brdg 4594 Maine Turnpike 4389 Tni Md NE Expr MassPortAut 103 104 Mass Turnpke 4-5502 Mass Turnpke Turnpke Turnpke 32585 101 Turnpke 2147xyqztu SP OC NY StPower 3.20595 NY St StPower Power 4.20506 NY Throw 3.10594 Northern Del 73 Ohio Okla 4.70-06 OroviNeWyan 4ms10 PennTurnpke 3.10-93 Port New PortNewYrk Port New Port New York 5503 TennValAuth Tex 2.70580 Tex Turnpike 4515 Va Toll Rev 3594 West West Va toke Take 6412 EXPLANATORY NOTES a-Annual rate plus cash extra or extras. b- Declared or paid so for this year, no regular rate. d-Paid in 1968. e-Declared or poid in 1969 plus stock.

g-Annual rote plus stock dividend. h-Capitol distribution, In. stock in k-percent in stack paid in 1969. r-Ex-rights. z-Not available.

Basic Rise In Domestic Demand for Steel Seen NEW YORK Steel demand continues at an unseasonally level. Partially, this can attributed to voluntary import quotas and the strong -wide demand fors teel that enabling. American steel companies to sell in Europe and pother foreign markets. But may also indicate a basic rise domestic demand for steel. Orders Increase Actual July orders for one of the largest mills are up about per cent from June.

And at this early stage August orders are down about the same amount from July. Adjusting for varying shipping days in the individual months, it would indicate that June. July and August are surprisingly level. The national metalworking weekly Iron Age says that in the face of the forthcoming automotive model changeover and plant vacation shutdowns. all of this suggests that part of the market is moving up strongly.

Once the summer influences are past, it could be a red hot steel market. Some steel executives now concede that this could be a record year for steel shipments, topping the 92.7 a million shipped in 1965. No one is going overboard on this possibility yet. For one thing, actual total orders conitinue to drift downward. The decline is very gradual and the overall level of new orders being placed is still very good.

But the direction is still downward. At the same time, there are some soft spots. Demand for A stainless and specialty alloy steels i is down. This could he seasonal. However, with the 1 lindustry expecting a boost in nickel prices soon.

after the we major labor nickel settlement. supplier it reaches would a seem logical that there would be more stockpiling of high content steel. Also being watched is the import situation. In the first months of the year, steell imports from Japan were down! by 800.000 tons. If the Japanese producers' stick to their quota.

they may have to cut back their exports: even more in the second half of the year. At the same time. European and other steel imports are running behind their quotas because of stronc steel A demand in their own countries. Where Is the Church? -Here Is the Steeple! Ever wonder what the inside of a church steeple looks like? This man is working in one, welding computer sections before shipment to Florida, where it will withstand high winds. An IRM computing system helps engineers simulate a nuclear blast or the force of a L', Le hurricane to test the structures.

record of the bonds traded on York Stock Exchange this week. Sales(hds) High Low the New Dua Lt 13 72 72 72 NortSim 6598 42 -0- Close East Air 5592 466 66 65' 8 6578 OakEl 124 AirL 434593 81 OgdenCp OhioEdis 5593 3574 a 83 7434 83 83 E. 90 8.5 90 OkIGE 76. 76 16 Eckerd 88 69 108 105 108 5s87 58 65 64 Oneida 36 34 IPSNIG 6593 139 9914. Ownll 74 119 113 514 ErieRr 5 2020 Erie Erie 50 223 23 5591 77 76.

PocGE 92 FairHi 141 69 PG5 69 69 101 FarahMf 5594 135 100 PacGE 86 38 74 73 73 1 86 Fibrod FedPaEl 24 177 100 98 105 991 105 PacGE 667 90 FlaECst 5sl1 071 70 70 PacGE PacGE 645R- FdFair 4579c 25 71 70 71 PacGE 85 63 63 63 FlyTigr 6.60s FMC Cp 92 233 Pact PacGE 84x 87 62 6218 ForeD 165 86 160 82 165 84 Pac 3570 137 Fordinti 5583 120 Fuqualn 7588 55 81 81 3574 91'8 108 3577 74 73 73 85 73 Pac 3579 69 69 GACCo 94 272 123 123 PacTel 88 71 GenHost 6590 i PanAA GenEt GenEl Geninstr 5.30s92 5592 158 76 80 77 PacTel 87 91 63 62 62 62 PanAA 211 73 Gninst 110. PanAA 478 250 235 250 GMAC 361 PanAA 84 133 127 133 GMAC 217 PennDx 5 82 91 73 5577 53 85 84 PenneyCr 10 5580 88 Penny JC 93s 183 112; MA 144 81 PenCn 5581 144 PoPwLt 3s75 Pa RR 70 GMAC 74 74 Pa RR 414584 25 69 59 GMAC 72 Pennzoil 94 GMAC 1 Pennzoil 261 95 GMAC Pa RR GMAC 231 3 PhilEI GMAC 617 27 PhilEI 89 87 87 -2 99 A 3569 Phil GnMtr 74 74 74 PhIlEI 70 70 75 Gn Tel 135 86 PhilEl Gen Tel 5592 220 PhilEI 90 Gen Tele 4590 293 85 85 PhilEI 105 Gorich 85 Phi' Mo 47a 79 Glen Ald 6588 16C8 PhilMo 93 15 90 GordonJ 5588 34 118 118 PhilVn 88 87 Grace 191 74 99 98 98 70 90 Granu 4 s78 70 74 76 74 74 3'A 5 70 97 76 ProcG 76 76 76 109 GINoP 40 105 PubSE 90 Gt NoRy 5s73 10 92 Pullman 18 84 GINoR 31 Purex 14 93 93 Gt GINOR Nor 21 42 52 42 52 52 42 -R- GtWsUn 6587 75 75 A 359 P. GreenGt 85 Ralstn 96 95 96 Grolier 87 92 92 RapdAm 7s94 708 Grumn 92 Reada 43 43 43 GultM GulfM 5556 4544 3 53 Read8 1634 114 6588 Reverec 925 84 Reeves 4591 15 83 Guws! 76 RevMt 79 GuWst 76 ReynTob 7589 94 Gulf Wsl 6587 934 67 Riegel 5593 73 Gulf RochT 103 103 103 60 Rohr 5 229 229 229 -H- RohrA 223 115 33 Hackw 76 72 72 72 HomPap 5594 107 HessO1 HelPovn 5587 149 19 280 102 266 102 14 4 Sanders 5592 5s 13 58 280. 88 73 128 131 SanFelnd 61'4 315 102 70 Honewel 82 82 82 SantFeD 178 138 123 128 Honwell 3.35s 9 88 88 88 Saturnin 5593 40 72 133 Hostiti 534594 46 105 1027 SchickEl 6589 24 85 83 85 -3 HousFin 5582 242 106- HousE 97 HOUSE Howmt 92 86 80 SbdFn ScottPap 3571 96 Hunt 170 159 165 SbaFin 6 87 811 SearAc SearsAc 5582 79 85 72 93 93 Ind Ho 173 91 92 Sears SearAc 77 93 78 121 IniStl 89 12 IniSti 87 SearsR 5.30s 83 144 81 IniStl 81 ShellO 77 71 IntHar ShellO 77 130 Inthar 751 751 25 913. InHar 4.80s91 Sincir Sincla 4.60588 385 197 188 197 50 Int InMinCh Nick 6.85e 4591 254 23 61 Socony Socony 45 3 731 5593 76 76 76 Intel 4.90587 75 SolaBs 88 86 Intst DS 96 96 So SaBell Cal Ed 31 62 62 66 Ipco So NG 7.65572 213 81 103 -J- So 108 NG 7.65572 213 1015 1015- JerseyPw 76s SoPocOr 83 1 JonesL 122 78 SoPacRr SoPocRr 31 52: 51 55 -3 A SouRy -K SouthRy 5594 120 KerrM 149 Tel 72 Keyststi Spartans 5586 111 129 83 Kresge 92 Spiegel 90 Kimbl 3 Spiegl 73 73 86 Sprag El 128 68.

67 48 LakeSh Mi 97 53 52 stOCal 35 86 StOind LhVRY LehWHT 5594 74 NJ 507 93 LAVRR LehVIRr 5503 03 0 NJ 6597 224 893 SONJ 112 LVRR 45'03A SONJ 130 LhVITer LibbyMc 5579 82 80 Std Pack 6590 74 5589 82 84 -11 5592. StPrud 85 Ling 80 75 Stauffer 85 85 Ling Litton Tm 5588 3720 Stauffer 94 77 StevensJ 4590 155 85 89 99 Loews 1245 75 Stokly 2 116: 116 Lockh 552 Storer 164 85 821 585. LStorC LS1orC 93 90 56 99 99 Sunil 30 73 73. 73 Sunstrnd 5:93 55 77 SurvEnd 5584 67 67 87 87 86 83- 12 Lorird 33 87 87 SurvFnd 5584 76 70 5 Swift 25 72 4 88 88 88 Lucky St 5593 272 121 Sybron 100 100 100 98 LykeY 1781 80 Sybron 94 94 69 76 MacDon 6587 23 118 112 118 334 TalcottN 6594 250 92'4 Macke MockT 24 13 77 115 07 77 Talcott 79 12 84 115 Talcott 5s 79 825 Macke 13 115 107 115 Teldvn 289 Macy Cr 10 70 70 70 Tenneco 7593 250 92 90 99 MadSa 14 101. 101 Tennec 614 92 276 107 104 107.

MeCenRr 7318 Tenneco 6579 451 83 147 Marcor 887 85 TexCo 11 71 70 71 MartinM 6594 142 97 Texaco 97 19 MdCup 51 94 35 98 TexNO 96. 96 96 McCro 512 75 TexasPoc 378 57 McCro 62 80 80 Textrn 15 83 83 78 801 McCrory 5581 Bi 64 WA 161 79 214 77 McDonD 479 8534 A 4592 280 65. 63 90 11478 113 A 5594 345 McGraw 55 Medus 534-88 10 99 97 97 TR M.G 5593 117 79 77 78 Milest 2 8958 210 -10 Milest 111 109 111 UnCarb 5.30s 134 79 797 65 MinStLR 6585 75 75 UnionCp 6588 MinStP 71 92 92 EIM 93 92 92 85 MinnStP 4591 16 9214 62 M-K-T M-K-T 62 UP Co 43 58 87 83 MK 09s 62 89 62 UnPac 102 77. 4 UnPoc KT 4590 497 4814 4814 Un Tank 5586 20 71 71 71 67 MoPac 552045 173 4 Airc as91 176 89 90 MoPoc 434520 54 53' 53' Airc 220 80 MoPac 14 Airc 64 MoPac 414590 68 62 60 62 UnAirl 4 592 145 66. MoPoc 5653 578- Un Air 5591 247 841, 8 Monon 6507 8 63 GosC 5580 11 82 82.

82. Montw 733588 119 90 97 Gas MontW 15 7514 75 75 22 16. 76 76. MontW 90 73 Gas 825 82. 72 MorrsEs 411 G-5 9114 92 MISITI 3' 143 4590 250 8958 89 478591 743 7418 711 MSL In 84 14 91 89 91 UP Nucir 5538 79 84 U5Smelt 283 83 821.

13 Nafi 514 $80cv 161 98 95 98 USSmelt 53 19 73 7211 NatBis 76 75 27 76 86 A gt Can 5593 108 10714 10712-234 US Steel 36 7334 723 723 NtCsh 434585 76 7578- $8 ST 379 691 77 7914 Nt NICsh Cash 5.60s 71 83 7212 13 Utd Univ Utit OilP 5593 23 106 1081 8 5834 88 76 Q71 a 06. 95 -11g 83 83 6'8 8633 86 86 176 NatDairy 438 Not Dair 69 95 94 V-EIP 358588 29 76 77 NotDairy 57 9234-2 234575 NatDist 38 8212 82' a Virg Ry 3595 NatDist 43483 7634 Virg RV 6508 81 32 Notind 139 69 43 NatLead 711 69 69 -2 Not St 66 66 66 Wabsh 4' 603. NEngTel 3374 8118 4571 NY Cent! 6590 8153 $3 WagEl 61 as 36 8512 86 NY Cent! 6580 87 86' weanU 93 6412 695 4 NYCent! 5513 6418 Wean 67 67 106 NY Cen 13 155 5734 WsAirt 5' 4593 8912 89 NYCent! 4598 5531 541 a WestSh 517a 4934 NYCHR 541 WestMd 4569 NYCenLS WstMd 31579 74 74 NYCh 63 63' Ws1Un 37 86 NYLW 75 75 13, WstUn 514587 77 473 74 4 11: West Un 5592 73. 73 NYNH 45 07 50 21 WestEl 92 80' 5012 773 77 WestF! 2 71 871- NYSW Weverh 5.20% 801. 781 91 NY Tel WhiStl 75 NYTel 48593 66 WhMot 514 93 951 78 NYTel 33 0596 Whiter NoAPhil 279 WhiteC 92 37 9412 95.

No A Rork 41. Wicke 1A4 100 987 NoARock Bro 5425 1 715 198 NorNG 478 Wis On 14 5134 1 109 No NG 3' A 73 Womet 31 971 129'4 NoPoc 13 87 94 Nor Pac 4597 Poc 3547 58 S' 1 11t 11114 71 110 NthroD 9412 Zapat RAC 330 115 110 Mi 4 NY. Stock Exchange Bond Trading NEW YORK (UP1) -Following Is Sales(has) High Low Close Cha. Sales (hds) High Low Close Cha. 4 -A- AirRed 87 126 AloPw AIl LStI 4581c 62 AllICh Al Ch 5.20391 80 All Ch 6.60593 AllidSt 112 94 AllidSt 137 AlliedPr 7584 Al Supm 168 101 Alcoa 6592 Alcoa 101 Alcoa 74 Alcoa Alumc AAirFilt 95 AmAir 363 AmAirin 4590 114 AmAir 322 AmBrcst 5593 125 108 Am Con 6597 11 85.

AmCan 90 73 73 AmDis 86 84 AEnka AExpt 80 Pw 5530 50 64 AForP 4.80 87 230 AMF 73 AHoist 80 AHolst A Sug 73 85 67 66 639 285 AmT Tob 92 Amtoc 98 AM 1466 AnBusch 6592 88 AnnArb 4595 Apco Oil 55.38 197 106 105 ApcoOl 81 Armcos 5.905 Armour 5584 70 Arm Rb 90 AshOil 109 Assoln 100 Assoln 266 99 Assoln 85 85 Assoln Assoln Assoln Assoln 67 Atchison 4595 67. AtiCst Aurora 80 Autct AutmSp 87 Avco Avco 134 .3 Balt Gas 3589 A 10 uk-. 95 4580 70 BangP 10 70 128 BaxtenL 4587 43 133 128 Beaunt 90 78 76 Becton 106. Beech A 70 BelcoP 88 Bendix 91 BenFn 99 98112 BenFin 5s 77 85 is Berkey 86 1 121 117 BethSt Beths 5.40392 81 81 BethSt Dk 92s 127 it BobbieB 6570 58 BosMe Branif Bruns BudgF 652010 Budgind 6588 Burl Ind 5591 103 101 Burrgh 94 384 108 105 Burrgh 93 117 112 CanPoc 4s pr 55 CarTel 120 Cased! 72 70 CastiC CatTr 84 83 CecoC Celanese 4590 CenGa 48 Cen Ga 54 CenNYPw 3s CenNJ Cessna Chad Chomp 84 130 130 ChaseBk Ches 0 Ches 0 85 C40 Chi8Q 70 '94 ChEIL 99 99. ChiGtW 4588 CMSP 552055 CMSP 55 ChRI 83 70 ChWin.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.