The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

TIE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, JULY 24, 1919 COUPLE TO LIVE IN WORTHINGTON Lois Ashe and Harold Brown Wed in Pittsfield The Morningside Baptist Church in Pittsfield was the scene of A wedding of interest here yesterday afternoon when Miss. Lois M. L. Ashe of Troy, N. became the bride of Harold ward Brown of Biltmore this city, and Worthington.

Rev. J. Herbert Owen, minister of the Church-on-theHill, Lenox, formerly of Worthington, officiated at the 3 o'clock ceremony. using the double Minas service. nist Willam H.

Adams, organist and Harold Jenks sang. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Volncy Day Ashe, of Troy. Was attended by Mrs.

John Oslund. J. C. Whelton, Raymond the Ethel Margaral of Worthington 1 aS best man, while William M. Ashe, brother of the bride, and S.

Packard of Worthington ushered, Frosted white organdy with roll col-1 Jar and pearl buttons from the neck the waistline and full skirt, balJerina length. was worn by the bride with A shoulder length veil ct illusion caught braid of organdy mateling her dress. She carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations flocked with delphinium. matron of honor wore pink frosted organdy of simflar design and a -length ilveil of matching color. She harried pink carnations with flecks of delphinium.

A reception took place in the church! for 300 guests. The bride's parlors mother received In gray silk print with white accessories and corsage of white carnations. The bridegroom's Mrs. George Fisher of Worsister, onoco, who also assisted the couple with in receiving, wore navy blue crepe white accessories and white carnashoulder. Also in the tions on her receiving line WAS Cyrus W.

Bower. the bridegroom. Miss stepfather Ruth E. Parker was in charge of the and Mrs. Brown have gone to guest book.

Mr. Falls and Montreal on their; Niagara trip and on the their return will live Worthington. For traveling wedding the bride wore a pink tissue chambray dress with hat to match, bride is employed as secretary Alan J. Blair of England Bros, in l'ittsfield, and Mr. Brown is employed by the Tyler Equipment in East Longmeadow.

Alexander G. Medilcott of Mrs. I engmeadow, is at the summer home in Spoffrrd, Colony family stay, and will entertain and for a F. C. Rykken on a and daughter, and Mrs.

Bellinghameir daughter of Dr. Rosemary, have been visiting ir New York since the wedding of their other daughter, Miss Suzzane Rykken, and Alexander (i. Medileott, which took place on 15 in Longmeadow. Mr. and Tune Medlicott.

are now in Mira. Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell H.

Cook and children, Marion and Lovell, have been spending some time at Spruce Bay, Ale. Us For A Blind BLINDS WINDOW. SHADES PORCH. SHADES QUALITY MERCHANDISE REASONABLY PRICED ALWAYS 4409 948 STATE STAR RUGS AT GREAT SAVINGS Large Stock of WOOL RUGS All Grades and Sizes HUNT SHEA 810 ENFIELD ST. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN.

Friday Evenings to 9 Tel. 4571 Store Hours! 9 to 5 Daily Your Clothes A Sight? Them to Sunbright! The service is fast and the job is done right! Tel. 7-9538 Cleaners East Longmeadow Bride A 1 (Steiger Photo) DRS. JOHN JOSEPH M'GARRY The former Jean Rathbun Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

William Leverette Morgan of Holly Hill, East Longmeadow, was married on July 18. Mr. McGarry is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William J.

McGarry of Rutland, Vt. MISS CADY HONORED AT BROOKSIDE LODGE Former Secretary Is Guest at Luncheon Brookside Lodge in Chester, for many years the summer camp operby the Springfield YWCA, which fated now in the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Friday of an informal luncheon a honorRobert Carraway, Wis the scene on on Miss Mary I. Cady of Oakland.

who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Cross of Pineywoods Ave. Miss Cady was general secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association in Springfield from 1921 to 1927.

From Springfield he took similar positions in New York, Honolulu and San Francisco, retiring from YWCA work there in 1941. At present she is secretary of the Council of Social Agencies in Oakland. Guests at the luncheon were former members of Brookside Lodge Club and camp committee, which operated the camp during the time when Miss Cady was serving as general secretary, and when Mrs. Cross was president of the W. Mr.

and Mrs. Cross were present at the luncheon. Members of the Brookside Lodge Club attending were Miss Gladys Newton, Miss Gladys nette Deely, Miss, Mrs. Ann Grant NettleChipman, Mary Lynch, Miss Anton Fitchburg, Miss Marion Worcester, Mr. and Mrs.

Edmund now living in Hartford, and Mrs. Pauline Thomas Ladd of Hampton Institute, in Virginia. Members. of the camp committee serving at the time of Miss Cady's administration, who drove to Chester for the event, included Mrs. Lesbia Lillie, Mrs.

Henrietta Morrill. Miss Clara Reed, Mrs. James V. Bruyn, Miss Gertrude Bruyn, Mrs. Polly Bruyn Quimby, Miss Mary Phelps, Miss Rachel Phelps and Miss Susan I Tiffany of Blandford.

Other guests, from the YWCA staff, were Miss Marion Evans. present executive secretary. Miss Edith Helmer, retired executive secretary and Miss Laura Richmond, who has recently retired from the position of office secretary. The original spirit of Brookside Lodge has been kept up by Mr. and Drs.

Carraway, and it is now open to the public. Miss Cady drove East. from Callfornia, and will leave soon on return to Oakland. Dr. and Mrs.

Paul Sanderson of Colony Longmeadow, have as their guests, Mrs. Sanderson's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Callan Montreal. TACKED DOWN CARPETING ('LEANED On Your Own Floors Private Homes or Business Firms AF MICHAELIAN SONS.

CALL 43001 July and August SpecialsETA RESTYLED COMPLETE NEW HAIRSHAPING 130 Regularly 2.50 CUT PERMANENT WAVE 1000 15.00 Regularly A MILDRED Coiffures 61 ORLANDO ST. Tel. 3-8018 National and International Winner of 13 Losing Cups OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Hills Summer Season Now Nearing Peak of Activities Much Interest in Forthcoming Debut of Twin Daughters of Mrs. William H. Vanderbilt, Family Now at South Williamstown Berkshire Hills, July 23-Mr.

and Mrs. William 1. Vanderbilt, who have Waldorf- -Astoria Hotel, New York, and Mrs. Williams are guests of Landlord been at Cricket farm, South Williamstown, since their return on the Queen Mary from Paris last month. are to introduce to society their twin daughters, Misses Anne C.

and Ellen K. Vanderbilt at the Clambake Club, Newport, with A dinner on Saturday, Aug. 12 followed by a dance on Bailey's Beach. Mrs. Vanderbilt and the twins will join Mrs.

Vanderbilt's mother, Mrs. Everett Colby, at port a week before the party. Mr. Vanderbilt formerly. owned Oakland Farm at Newport and the twins have many friends in the Newport colony.

The nearest club to Cricket Creek adequate for such a party would be Pittsfield Country Club and that 22 miles distant. Mr. Vanderbilt is raising Guernsey cattle amid the mountains of South Williamstown. which he enjoys more than the political whirl of Rhode Island, where he was at one time governor. Neighbors of the Vanderbilta are Col, and Mrs.

D. Parmalee Prentice, who are in residence at Elm House, Mount lope Farm, where the extensive gardens are to he opened to the public (no cameras) on Friday, Aug. 12, as a Berkshire Garden Center benefit. The Mount Hope roadside planting is admired in season by many visitors. Mrs.

Prentice is a charter member of Berkshire Garden Club, formerly the Richmond Garden Club that was organized in 1915 by her Chicago and Richmond friend, the late Mrs. 11. Rockwood Gibbs. Col. Prentice.

who was decorated by the Italian and Bulgarian governments for his agricultural research aid, will be 86 years old on Friday, the 39th, And in other years MrA. Prentice has had a luncheon party in his honor at the farm. In 1924 the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture awarded Col. Prentice a gold medal for his contribution to agriculture. Elm Court, former Lenox home of the late Mrs.

Henry White (Emily T. Vanderbilt) is to be the setting through Sunday, Aug. 7, of An exhibition of paintings by Grandma Moses, Eagle Bridge, N. Y. The Elm Court gardens also may be seen.

These are maintained on' the former scale of and elegance by the present owners, Col. and Mrs. Helm George Wilde, the latter a granddaughter of airs. White. Visitors for Festival Swank Berkshire hotels will be filled for the Boston Symphony nine-concert Tanglewood festival which starts next Thursday night in the Shed.

At the Lenox Club, Lenox, will be Francis R. Crowninshield (Louise F. du Pont) of Marlboro Boston, and Roca Grande, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.

Taft of Walnut Boston: Mrs. Charles S. Hall of Beacon Mr. and Mrs. Royal Little of Providence, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles A. Cass and Mrs. William T. Crocker New York.

Henry B. Cabot, president of the Boston Symphony Orchestra Corp. and Mrs. Cabot (Olivia Ames) of Strawberry Hill, Dover, are to be at Curtis Hotel, Lenox. Among others there will be Mrs.

Alvan T. Fuller of Beacor. Boston, wife of the one time governor of Massachusetts: Mra. Franklin W. Hobbs of Commonwealtn Boston; Dir.

and Jirs. Philip R. Allen of Walpole, Col. and Mrs. William A.

Barron of Newburyport. Mrs. Guy Patterson Gannett of Portland, Me. Mrs. Henry Fairfield Osborn, New York, is with her mother, Mrs.

Felix Lamond at Red Lion Inn, Stockbridge for the first Tanglewood series. Early in August she is leaving for Tucson, Ariz. Mrs. Gammell Cross of Providence is at the Red Lion for her annual Tanglewood visit as are Mr. and Mrs.

Foster Stearns of Exeter, N. Miss Isabel Fraser, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Mrs.

Harold S. Schutt, Jr. (Ann Treadway) of Wilmington, are with Mr. and Jirs. Heaton 1.

Trealway at the Crossways, Stockbridge. Among other boxholders for the whole, or part of the festival will be Mr. and Mrs. William H. Vanderbilt of South Williamstown, President James Phinney Baxter, 3d, of Villiams College, Prof.

and Mrs. Philip Marshall Brown of Brownfields. South Williamstown, Mrs. Gordon Dexter (Isabella Hunnewell) of Park New York and Boca Grande: Mrs. William Felton Barrett.

Mrs. Thomas H. Blodgett, Robert Wheeler, Great Barrington; Mrs. Winthrop M. Crane.

Mrs. Bruce Crane, Dalton; Eldon V. Johnson, Springfield; Joseph P. Kennedy, Hyannisport; Mrs. A.

J. W. Drexel Sanborn. Paul. St.

Radnor, Paul, Mrs. Robert Bruce Woods Bliss, Washington, a retired diplomat: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Roberts, Winthrop P. Younger, Mrs.

John Is Senior, Mrs. Clarence A. Warden of Lenox: Miss Mabel Choate, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoving Stockbridge.

Henry B. Williams, manager of the A Finer Figure or Your Money Back don't ba hot andi bothered Over Figure Control Hot, hot days are close at hand no need to get figure careess for comfort. Charis comes to your aid with light cool, cool "Tropical" Girdles and Bras. Girdles with smooth flowing lines for gentle, firm control. cut high for a trimmer tummy! Come, See, Compare! Berthe T.

Chasse Health in Springfield Exclusively at Comfort Charm 1490 MAIN ST. 4 TEL. 3-7388 Great Barrington Girl Is Bride (Kanter Photo) MRS. CHARLES B. O'BRIEN Formerly Miss Catherine W.

Turner Suffield, WAg recently in the North Egremont garden of the child's maternal greatgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Spahr. Also maternal great -grandparents are Mr.

and Mrs. George M. L. La Branche, New York, and High Wick, Hillsdale, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. William Ellery Channing and daughter, Julia, Toronto, are to spend August with Mrs. Hayden Channing and Mrs. J.

Frel- erick Schenck, Valley Head, Lenox. Mrs. Brewster Rhoads and two children, Huntington, are and Mrs. Robert S. Hibbard, Farm, Lenox.

Mrs. John I. Senior, three children, of High Wick. Lenox. are at Frigartown, Martha's Vineyard.

One of Pittsfield's largest and most July Clearance OUTDOOR FURNITURE NOW GOING ON Kidas. Outdoor Furniture 242. CHICOPEE ST. CHIC. 171R Open Evenings When QUALITY COUNTS Famous Reading Anthracite gives safe.

dependwarmth. And, it's absolutely smokeless. Try this fine Pennsylvania Hard Coal. MOUS TRADEMARKED READING T. J.

SULLIVAN COAL CO. Office Yard, 436 Taylor St, TEL. 2-2181 LOSE WEIGHT Without Dieting Simply eat this delicious Vitamin and Mineral Candy called AYDS, before meals as directed. AYDS check your appetite you automatically eat less, lose weight naturally, easily. Absolutely safe, contain no reducing drugs.

MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Many users report weight losses of up to 10 pounds or more with their very first box. You, too, must lose weight with your first box or your money back. FREE. Scientific Weight Chart. Call for yours.

Or sent free with mail or phone orders. No obligation. AYDS I Large VITAMIN CANDY Box REDUCING PLAN enly $2.89 Steiger' MAIN TOILETRY FLOOR SHOP BROWN UNIVERSITY GRADS MARRIED Catherine Turner Exchanges Vows With Charles O'Brien Great Barrington, July 23-The First Congregational Church was the scene this afternoon of the wedding of: Miss Catherine White Turner, daughter of Mr. and MIs. Frederick H.

Turner, of 142 Tacome 10 Charles Buckley Brien, 8011 of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Brien of New Haven, Conn. Rev. Howard J.

Conn, former pastor AL the church, performed the single-ring ceremony, assisted by Dr. Cornelius Nicholas Bakker, resident pastor. The bride, given in marriage by her. father, had Miss Anna 'T. Woodward of Summit, N.

as maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Joan Spear uf New York City, Miss Alice Forstall of amsterdam, N. and Misg Kivanor Hall of this town. Mr. O'Brien had as his attendant Dr.

Robert 1. McDonnell of New laven. The ushering staff consisted of James Garner Stevens of Monterey, l'oin Dexter Graybeal 02 Hartford, Donald K. White of Wilmington, Jamies J. McKeon of Hamden, and Richard I'.

(bor of New Haven, The bride was attired in a gown of ivory bridal satin. fashioned with yoke of rose point lace, long sleeves with cuffs of rose point lace, full skirt ending in long train. Her fingertip illusion veil was attached to EL cap of rose lace. She carried a cascade bouquet of gardenias. 'The maid OI honor was dressed in a white organdy gown with panels of embroidery over green tuffeta and a Mary Queen of hat trimmed with ivy.

Her bouquet WaS of mixed flowers with ivy streamers. The bridesmaids were dressed in sister gowns of white Over yellow taffeta with machine hats. reception was held at Following the wedding ceremonies nuck Country Club, after which the couple left for a wedding trip to Cape Cod. Mrs. O'Brien attended the Northfield School for Girls and l'embroke College, Brown University in Providence, with A.

B. honors English. She has been an assitant in the English department at Brown University, Mr. O'Brien is a graduate of Milferd School, and Brown University, He is a member of Delta Kappa Ensilon. Mr.

O'Brien is a veteran of the past war, having served four years in U. S. Army Air Forces. He is employed by Sarent and of Nev Haven. Park Edge SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Personalized training to prepare for superior positions Executive Secretary Accountant or Bookkeeper Medical Secretary Aviation Secretary Private Secretary Aviation Stewardess (basic) TEN-MONTH DAY SCHOOL COURSE Calculating Machine Course, ten weeks REGISTER AUGUST 1st DAY OR EVENING CLASSES 187 SUMNER AVE.

TEL. 6-8931 SPRINGFIELD YOU'VE ABOUT BEAUTY COUNSELORS YOU'VE ABOUT BEAUTY COUNSELORS Brainy APPOINT BARBARA LOOMIS Trained in the art of skin care and make-up she will introduce to you a new way to Loveliness right in your own home at your convenience. BEAUTY COUNSELOR Preparations Used before you on your face or skin are at no cost to If you decide to purchase before Aug. 15 the Federal Tax will ba' ab. sorbed by Beauty Counselors.

PHONE 7-0851 As Heard by Women looking for sensible E. skin care. Seen in CHARM and MADEMOISELLE important mid-summer parties was a reception and tea that Mrs. Nickels B. Huston gave on Wednesday at her home, 836 West St.

overlooking Onota Lake, to meet her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Nickels Wright Huston. She is the former Diana Gambrel and her marriage to Mr. Huston, Williams College senior, took place in Kansas City. Mo.


Y. 'BOAT TRIP PAID! EMPIRE STATE TOWER VIEW It's Adaskin's Wedding Gift to You With the Purchase of your Complete 3 Room Outfit! ADASKIN'S FURNITURE CO 1776 MAIN' ST. 1 James J. Joyce of Berkshire Inn. Great Rarrington, and Mrs.

Joyce. At the inn are Disg Addie Cardozo, kin of the one time New York Supreme Court Justice: Mr. and Mrs. 14. S.

Ripley, Springfield; Mrs. H. M. Wills Cold Spring Harbor, I. Miss Anne F.

Ramsey, West Springfield. Recent Berkshire Inn visitors were Mayor Henry J. Toppfert, Mr. and Mrs. George Mosher, Holyoke: Rev.

Charles P. Mc Laughlin, Westfield; Mrs. J. H. Race, Agawam.

Baroness Shipton Court Baroness Humbert de Viry, New York. is at Shipton Court, Lenox, for the first time in two years. The former Delphine N. de Horas, she spent last summer at. Chateau de Thuyset, Thonon, France.

With the baroness at Shipton (burt are two daughters, Mrs. Woodbridge Strong and Mi4s Roselyne de Viry. Mr. and Arg. Strong are parents of a son born two Weeks ago at Pittsfield General Hospi.

the late Mrs. Spencer, one tal. Baroness de Viry is a of niece, time owner of Shipton Court. who for many years WAS aL leading exhibitor in Lenox horse shows. Mr.

and Mrs. William I. Hallowell (Margaret D. Barney) formerly of Hartford, have bought a place on East Lenox, and named it Frogbank Farm. They are neighbors of Rev.

and Mrs. Harold N. Arrowsmith, Baltimore. Mr. Arrowsmith is a son of Rev Harold Arrowsmith, one time rectoof Trinity Episcopal Church, Lenox.

The son and Mrs. Arrowsmith were at Village Inn, Ianox, before opening their house. Also at the inn are Mr. and Dirs. John D.

Sherman, Mr. Vernon, N. Y. And Miss Flizabeth Dean, New York. Mrs.

George 0. Forbes is back at Orchard Farm. North Egremont. Glen Cove, I. where she was the guest of her sister, Airs.

Harold Irving Pratt. Baroness Anne Marie Doblhoff. New York, a Hungarian sculptress, is with Mr. and Mrs. John Butler Swann At Cherry Hill.

Stockbridge, for the Tanglewood festival. At Cherry Hill aiso is Airs. Swann's mother, Mrs. John Briggs Potter of Pinckney Boston. J.

Murray Tracy is chairman of golf committee at Stockbridge Cluo, which has fixed the week end of Aug. 19 for the three-day men's tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Platt and Miss Penelope Platt, Mt.

Kisco, N. were at the club this week A3 guests of Mrs. Platt's aunt, Miss Da bel Choate at Naumkeag. Mrs. Wright's Exhibit.

Mrs. Charles Hewitt Wright, Washington, D. summer sojourner ol Pittsfield. has 10 paintings on exhibition die the Laneshoro studio of Leo Blake. She is a pupil of Mr.

Blake and for two winters has studied with Miss Clara Saunders, Washington. Mrs. Wright. the former Helen Smitn. is the daughter of the late Rear Adm.

David Smith, USN. and Sarah Saunders Smith. She was educated at the Corcoran Art School, Washington, and in Paris. She is widow of the one-time district attorney of the Western district. Drs.

Raymond Leslie Buell, New York, has opened her summer home, Goodwood, at Richmond, for the rest of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brunner, who for a number of years have been patrons of Heaton Hall. Stockbridge, are the summer in Belgium.

Mr. spending Brunner is a retired Belgian banker They are winter sojourners of the Waldorf- Astoria Hotel, New York. Mrs. Joseph Pynchon. Westfield, Mrs.

Robert Chapin and Miss Rebecca Paulding Meade, New York, registered at Miss Mabel Choate's Mission House, L. B. Cheek, son of Stockbridge. Christopher Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Newton Cheek. Domestic and Oriental RUGS CLEANED Average time one week EXPERT REPAIRING INSURED STORAGE Cascade Rug Cleaners MRS. T. T. PECK Tel.

4-5553 DUNHAM-BIANCHI ARE IVED IN MT. CARMEL Bride Wears Spanish Lace Over Satin Spanish lace over satin was worn by Miss Arline Rose Dunham, da daughter of Mrs. Gladys Munson of Beaumont for her marriage yesterday to Joseph Anthony Bianchi, of Mr. and Mrs. Domenick Bianchi of Acushnet Ave.

The wedding was a 9 o'clock event in Mount Carmel Church, with Rev. Fr. Lindsey officiating. She wore a veil of illusion, seven feet long, attached to a braided satin tiara, and carried gardenias with a white orchid in the center. Miss Carmella Cellilli was soloist during the mass, and music was by the church organist who played the traditional processional and recessional marches.

The bride was attended by a maid of honor, Miss Evelyn Giordano, two bridesmaids, Misses Shirley Lavoice and Vaila Capitiano, and two junior bridesmaids, Margie Giordano and Joanne Consolini. She was given in marriage by her brother, Russell C. Dunham. Mr. Bianchi.

was attended by his (brother Cpl. Richard Bianchi of the Marine Corps, and ushers were Raymond Oris and Raymond Costello. The maid of honor and bridesmaids were dressed in faille with chiffon yokes, the former wearing pale orchid, and the bridesmaids, nile green. Their headdresses were sweethart bonnets. The junior bridesmaids were costumed alike in yellow faile with Bo-Peep hooped skirts and also wore sweetheart bonnets.

They carried summer flowers. A wedding breakfast took place at the Italian Club in Williams and later 200 guests were received in the Hotel Bridgway where a -piece orchestra provided music. The bride's mother, whose flowers were Ameribeauty roses, wore a yellow organdy dress. Mr. and Mrs.

Bianchi, who' will make their home in Springfield, after Aug. 5, will spend their honeymoon in New Hampshire. Going away, the bride was wearing a summer suit of aqua sharkskin, white accessories and a white orchid corsage. She is a graduate of the High School of Commerce and is employed as a clerk by the Monsanto Chemical Co. The bridegroom was graduated from Springfield Trade School and is an upholsterer.

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bemis of Glen Arden, Longmeadow, are occupying their summer home at Lake Sunapee, N. H.

Their son, Kenyon, who is spending the summer at home, is passing the week end with his parents. 4.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.