Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (2024)

Nintendo’s GameCube is, to date, one of the most unique consoles to ever come out – and that includes the Switch.

Way before the gaming giant decided to fully integrate on-the-go capabilities into a home console, the purple cube already featured a physical handle. Asking you to take it with you to sleepovers and anywhere you could find friends to play with.

Despite being overshadowed by the PS2, true gaming aficionados know of the GameCube’s unique charm.

Just looking at the vibrant-colored controller you feel invited into a world of fun.

In honor of this unsung hero of gaming, and to reminisce about entire nights spent staring at CRT TVs, I’ve put together a list of the best multiplayer GC games to try out with some friends.

22. StarFox: Assault (2005)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (1)

First up is a game most of you probably recognize as being one of the weakest entries in the StarFox roster.

Indeed, I still remember the broken dreams of my middle-school bestie who thought this game would change his life, only to become conscious of the existence of shoddy games – even from the Big N.

Luckily the game does have a redeeming quality.

Its multiplayer is fun – even better than StarFox 64’s, mostly thanks to the inclusion of vehicles like the Wolfen and the Landmaster.

21. Gotcha Force (2003)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (2)

This cult-classic from Capcom revolves around Borgs, little autonomous toy robots armed with weapons of mass borg-destruction.

Much like Custom Robo, one of the main gameplay features is preparing your robots for battle, but Gotcha Force focuses on building an army rather than a single operative.

Among my favorite parts of the game are the battlefields, made up of everyday locales such as toy rooms, kitchens, and parks that are gigantic in comparison to your soldiers.

20. Tales of Symphonia (2003)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (3)

Surprised? I don’t blame you.

You wouldn’t normally think of a Tales game as a multiplayer experience, but hear me out.

While the story progression and moving about in the overworld are all handled by a single player, you can hook up a second controller and take command of a party member during fights for an engaging Co-Op experience.

It’s the perfect game to play with someone you spend a lot of time with, as you can embark on a long and emotional journey together.

It’s the best form of “backseat” gaming known to mankind.

You just can’t miss a chance to recommend Tales of Symphonia to anyone who loves RPGs.

19. Super Monkey Ball (2001)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (4)

So, you’re a monkey trapped in a ball.

Simple, right?

Well as it turns out, that’s where “simple” ends in this franchise.

Both single and multi-player puzzles range from hard to stupidly hard. And that goes for both the original and the sequels (all of which are comparably good).

If you’re a fan of puzzle-solving and want to test out your big brain against one of your intellectual friends, joining this franchise’s cult following might be the right move.

18. Donkey Konga (2004)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (5)

If rather than counting the creases on your brain you’d rather count the beats in a song, you can always grab some plastic bongoes and jam in Nintendo’s Donkey Konga.

Brought to the West as a less niche version of Japan’s beloved Taiko no Tatsujin arcade machines, Donkey Konga offers the same rhythmical gameplay with a thick layer of Nintendo paint over it.

While many players were unphased to learn this was the year’s big DK release, the game proved to be incredibly fun and addictive.

And that goes for both the original and its sequel.

17. Pikmin 2 (2004)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (6)

Other than probably being the best single-player game in the entire GameCube’s roster, Pikmin 2 also has an amazing multiplayer that’ll keep you glued to your screen until whoever you’re playing with gets fed up and leaves.

Because, while the game’s multiplayer includes a nice Co-Op challenge mode, what you’re going for is the Capture The Marble mode that’s both very fun and very easy to dominate if you’re just a bit better at directing walking carrots than your opponent.

The best way to manage this is to do some Co-Op challenges in between versus rounds, but this is only a palliative – they will definitely get annoyed at your BS after a couple of hours.

And who could ever forget this incredible soundtrack to boot.

16. TimeSplitters 2 (2002)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (7)

Just as they are now, FPS games were all the rage back in the day.

One of the best ones available on the GameCube was TimeSplitters 2, even though it wasn’t the most well-known.

Thanks to the involvement of GoldenEye development veterans, its multiplayer arena became one of the best on the console, and far from being limited to a 4-man free for all, you could go up to 16 players with 4 GameCubes connected via LAN.

A sequel called TimeSplitters: Future Perfect was also released on the GC with a reduced goofy vibe, but TS2 continues to have the best multiplayer.

15. WarioWare Inc.: Mega Party Games! (2004)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (8)

But where other companies focus on creating the most violent and adrenaline-pumping FPS games they can, the Big N has always been known for their family-friendly titles and top-notch party games.

That said, calling WarioWare a family-friendly game is… well you have to be an open-minded family, I think.

In any case, WarioWare Inc. is a perfect example of Nintendo’s ability to pack the most fun they can into a single product, even given the fact that Mega Party Games! is a port of a GBA title.

14. Custom Robo (2004)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (9)

While not as underground as Gotcha Force, Custom Robo remains one of the most underappreciated games on the GC roster, especially considering its multiplayer element.

Outfitting your little robo-fighter with military-grade weaponry and pitting it against other tiny robots is about as close as any of us is going to get to IRL robot fight tournaments.

Overall it’s a very polished product with a super-unique multiplayer.

Which is a lot to say when comparing it to other GC titles.

13. 007: Agent Under Fire (2002)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (10)

If you ever played the original GoldenEye on the N64 then you know what you’re in for in EA’s Agent Under Fire – and why it’s so good.

It’s classic James Bond with Quake’s gameplay.

An action-packed FPS made better rather than worse for its lack of realism and its wonky physics.

This is double the case if you’re the kind that likes playing with Zero Gravity, Rocket Launcher Only rules or just grappling around the map like you were Spider-man with a gun.

12. 007: Nightfire (2002)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (11)

While the multiplayer is essentially the same with somewhat improved graphics, what ultimately places Nightfire over the prequel is how much better the single-player campaign is.

Back then, a strong single-player campaign was a must-have, rather than a “nice selling point” as it is today.

That said, the MP did have some improvements worth discussing.

Specifically the expansive amount of stages and characters to choose from, which came both from the game’s story mode and other James Bond material.

11. SSX Tricky (2001)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (12)

Certainly the best snowboarding game with the most personality is also one of the best options to play with friends if you have a GameCube laying around.

EA Canada did an amazing job designing a rewarding racing experience in SSX Tricky, not only because of the high speeds and “Uber” tricks, but because of the twisting and turning racing levels that’ll remind you more of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle than of an actual snowboarding track.

It’s tricky!

10. Red Faction II (2003)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (13)

Variety is the spice of life when it comes to shooters.

Especially back when you’d usually be at home playing with the same three pals rather than online against the rest of the world.

Red Faction II, while not as celebrated as its predecessor, offers just that with around 40 different arenas to shoot your heart out and weapons galore.

Plus you can blow up walls in this game. How many shooting games nowadays let you do that?

I guess nowadays the answer is Fortnite.

9. Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 (2006)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (14)

Masashi Kishimoto’s magnum opus was well on its way to conquering the West (and paving the way for anime in general) when Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 came out.

The gameplay was essentially the same simple combat system of its predecessor, but much more polished, and featuring a wider array of characters and stages to fight in.

It also has a killer soundtrack to get your shinobi fighting spirit going.

The third and fourth installments are even better, but regrettably they never came out in English.

8. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (2004)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (15)

Much like Tales of Symphonia, Final Fantasy games aren’t usually valued for their multiplayer.

But Crystal Chronicles on the GameCube is an outlier in the franchise.

It was designed specifically with multiplayer in mind, so much so that the beginning of the game kind of feels like signing into an MMO and creating your first character.

The dynamic combat with both melee and AoE casting mechanics reinforce this feeling.

The story is a bit basic for a FF game, and you’ll need a GBA and a Link cable to access multiplayer features.

But once you do, the game is one of the best story-driven co-op experiences found in an RPG.

7. Kirby Air Ride (2003)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (16)

With such an ample character roster and iconic design, it was weird for the pink blob not to have their own racing game.

It eventually came in the form of Kirby Air Ride, a cult classic directed by Masahiro Sakurai that achieves the same level of fun and uniqueness all of his other projects embody.

While the racing aspect of the game was top-notch, what everyone actually remembers is the arena matches.

Because every player gets to fly around a city collecting power-ups and experiencing thrilling events before any fighting takes place.

It’s even more fun than the actual arena and it’s hard to put down.

6. F-Zero GX (2003)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (17)

Captain Falcon squad, represent!

Although it’s not nearly as talked-about as its contemporary Mario Kart title, F-Zero GX is among the best racing games of the generation.

Stylish and colorful characters accompanied stupidly cool racing ships that had loads of “swag” before the term was even a thing… and before it went out of style again.

The hard-as-nails stages may not be for everyone. But the exciting soundtrack was, and it matched the speed and intensity of the races perfectly.

5. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (2004)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (18)

Back when I was younger I was unaware that Co-Op games were even a thing until I first read about Four Swords Adventures.

It’s based on the original Four Swords for the GBA, taking everything that made it good and improving upon it – and of course, you need a GBA hooked up to your console for every player.

I was an only child with no friends back when it came out, so I never got it. But once I tried it some years down the line, I was hooked.

Definitely give this a try if you’re a hardcore Zelda fan.

4. Soulcalibur II (2002)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (19)

I’ve avoided most fighting games on the list because, truth be told, there’s no reason to play them on the GameCube rather than the PS2 or something of the sort… except for Soulcalibur II.


Because the GC version has Link in it. LINK.

I mean, sure the gameplay was as good as ever and both single-player and multiplayer content were both amazing and offered some of the best features in the entire series at the time.

But really, it’s all about Link.

When someone mentions this amazing fighting game, it’s tacit that they’re referring to the GC version. The tears of envy cried by PS2 owners worldwide would be enough to fill an ocean.

3. Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (20)

And yet Soulcalibur II has no way to claim the title as the best fighting game in the GC… because SSB Melee exists.

Riding on the success of its predecessor, SSB Melee made a grand entrance into the new generation with improved graphics and many more fighters.

Everyone was playing it at the time. And some pros still prefer it over other SSB releases due to its lightning-fast gameplay and “combo” possibilities, which few entry-level players will ever understand.

Anyone up for a 2v2 Fox-only round?

2. Mario Party 4-7 (2002-2005)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (21)

If we’re talking about multiplayer games on a Nintendo console then we can’t possibly leave Mario Party out.

The stories are weird, the gameplay is repetitive, and the graphics only get marginally better each time – and yet people went out in droves to buy Mario Party 4, 5, 6 and 7.

It’s a formula that simply works.

And no matter which one you have, you can boot it up and have fun with up to three friends every single time, no matter your age.

Mario Party with vodka shots, here I come.

1. Mario Kart: Double Dash (2003)

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (22)

If you ask people who owned a GameCube, you’ll be hard-pressed to find one that doesn’t hold Mario Kart: Double Dash in the highest esteem.

This game is fast-paced, incredibly balanced, and has fantastic graphics that have aged wonderfully.

Its complex racer customization also adds a lot to replayability alone or with friends, as you slowly figure out the perfect formula of racer and kart to suit your needs.

It also has one hell of a Rainbow Road.

Top 22 Best Multiplayer GameCube Titles Of All Time – FandomSpot (2024)
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